
Calais Lessons Learned

The following constitutes the lessons learned following a 3-day mission to Calais to distribute men’s clothing. This document is a work in progress...


Voetballen en koekjes

Vanmorgen belde Barry naar Huijg Sport Haarlem met de vraag of ze onze missie willen steunen door middel van het doneren van enkele...


Stilte na de storm

Ineens lijkt het nieuws over de vluchtelingencrisis niet meer belangrijk. Dagen, weken stond de krant en het internet vol met nieuwe berichten en...


Bag to the future

A couple of weeks ago I came across the facebook page: Bag to the Future. I thought it was an incredibly smart and...


Love wins!

Around the World, despite violence, policy and hate, in this moment people captured amazing pictures. Love always wins! Share your photo and share...

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Jungle mission anthem

This powerful reggae song is our anthem for the journey to the Jungle of Calais. The title, lyrics and tune really connects with...